Urologists Rank Fourth in Average Pay Among 29 Specialties: Medscape Report

Lisa Gillespie

June 01, 2023

The average pay of urologists rose by $45,000 between 2021 and 2022, to $506,000, according to the Medscape Urologist Compensation Report 2023. The specialty has experienced a 47% increase in average pay since 2015.

Urologists rank fourth in average pay out of 29 specialties included in the report, behind plastic surgery ($619,000), orthopedics ($573,000), and cardiology (507,000).

Roughly two thirds of urologists said they did not take on additional work to supplement their income, but 24% said they did take on other medical work, 7% said they made extra money outside the medical field, and 5% said they worked more hours to make more.

Most urologists (58%) reported feeling "fairly paid," similar to physicians in anesthesiology (58%) and radiology (58%) and more than those working in family medicine (50%), who ranked third from the bottom in average compensation ($255,000), and pediatrics (43%), which came in second to last in salary ($251,000).

Urologists also reported the second-highest satisfaction with their career path, with 96% saying they would choose their specialty again, behind only plastic surgeons (97%).

Over three fourths of urologists in the new survey said their income in 2022 was not affected by nonphysician practitioners, such as physician assistants and naturopaths, as well as by telemedicine or retail clinics.

For employed physicians, earnings included salary, bonuses, and profit-sharing contributions. Self-employed physicians reported figures based on earnings after taxes. They took into account business expenses that were deducted before income tax. Only full-time salaries were included in the results.

The percentage of female urologists in the survey rose from 8% in 2021 to 13% in 2022.

The survey of over 10,000 physicians was conducted in late 2022, with 1% of respondents reporting working in urology.

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